IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena

The Actual Cost Of IsRahim Sneakers

IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena
IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena

Northern-based Ghanaian music sensation “IsRahim” has lifted the veil on the true cost of his iconic sneakers, famously donned during his performance at the Bukom Boxing Arena. In a recent internet revelation on March 5, 2024, a receipt detailing the purchase of the sneakers surfaced online, shedding light on the extravagant investment behind IsRahim’s footwear.

According to the disclosed receipt, the sneakers were procured for a staggering $7,000, equivalent to 89,273.45 Ghanaian cedis. Notably, the document indicates that the sneakers were sourced from China, highlighting their international origins and the intricacies of importation.

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IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena
IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena

The revelation of the sneakers’ hefty price tag has sparked intrigue and admiration among fans, who marvel at the huge price of the sneakers he displayed on stage during his performance at the Journey concert. The extravagant investment underscores IsRahim’s unwavering pursuit of excellence and his penchant for making a statement both on and off the stage.

IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena
IsRahim Reveals Price Of Iconic Sneakers Worn At Bukom Boxing Arena

As IsRahim continues to showcase his level of wealth to audiences with his outfits and distinctive style, the disclosure of the sneakers’ cost serves as a testament to his unyielding passion for his craft. With each step adorned in these luxurious sneakers, IsRahim leaves an indelible mark on the music scene, solidifying his status as a truly wealthy man in Ghanaian music.

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